Driehaus Votes To Support America's Clean Energy Future

Press Release

Date: June 26, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Joining a bipartisan group of lawmakers committed to securing the future of America's economy and security, Representative Steve Driehaus today voted to support landmark legislation that will create jobs, reduce America's dependence on imported oil, and combat the growing threat of climate change. The American Clean Energy and Security Act, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 219 to 212, will stimulate the American economy, revitalize the manufacturing sector, and create new, high-paying jobs by promoting investments in clean energy technology. The provisions of the bill will encourage innovation in clean energy development and put the United States at the forefront of a global clean energy economy. Additionally, the legislation will promote America's security by reducing our dependence on imported oil through the domestic development of clean, renewable energy sources. The bill will also provide fair, measured controls to reduce carbon emissions 83 percent by 2050.
"America will be the global leader in the development of clean, renewable energy sources, and promoting clean energy technology will help to revitalize our manufacturing sector, strengthen the middle class, and create new, high-paying jobs that can't be shipped overseas. Ohio has the resources and workforce to be at the cutting edge as we move our nation toward a clean energy economy, and this bill will promote investments that will bring the potential of clean energy development into our community," said Rep. Driehaus. "At the same time, this bill will help us end our addiction to imported oil, which threatens our security and sends too much American money overseas. I'm proud to stand with my colleagues today to do the right thing for the future of America's economy and security."

The American Clean Energy and Security Act will create jobs and stimulate the economy through investments in new clean energy technologies and energy efficiency, including renewable energy sources, carbon capture and sequestration technology, electric vehicles, and scientific research and development. The bill will mandate new energy saving-standards for buildings and appliances. The bill will require electric utilities to meet 20 percent of electricity demand through renewable energy sources and efficiency practices by 2020, the result of which will reduce American demand for imported oil. The bill also takes steps to combat climate change, by reducing domestic carbon emissions by 17 percent by 2020 and more than 80 percent by 2050, compared to 2005 levels.

Representative Driehaus joined other Midwestern Democrats in fighting to ensure that the provisions of the legislation will not disproportionately affect ratepayers in areas of the country reliant on coal power. Rep. Driehaus chose to support the legislation after the original legislation was modified to prevent cost spikes and protect consumers in southwest Ohio.

"We need a national effort to develop new, clean energy technology, but we must ensure that consumers in particular regions of the country are not disproportionately burdened by any legislation. The consumer protections in this bill will prevent unfair rate increases for greater Cincinnati residents while promoting investment in clean energy development in Ohio," said Rep. Driehaus.
